Güncelleme Tarihi: 26 April 2021

Visitors: 702

Mission & Vision

Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University was selected as a specialized university in Intelligent Transportation Systems by YÖK in May 2016, and many activities were carried out in the process. According to Regulation No. 30241, published in the Official Gazette on November 15, 2017, the "Intelligent Transportation Systems Application and Research Center" was founded. With this center, our university plans to achieve its new goals through this research center within the scope of the specialization mission given by YÖK. In this context, in line with the "National Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategy Action Plan-2023 Targets" announced by the Ministry of UDH, Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, which was chosen as a specialized university, and other related universities, TUBİTAK, YÖK and other public-private sector stakeholders, taking into account the joint missions and visions started to work.

As Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Intelligent Transportation Systems Application and Research Center (BAUSMER), we aim to achieve the following objectives.

  •  First, the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems was held in April 2018, and planned to be repeated annually as a tradition,
  • To annually repeat the Smart Transportation Systems workshop we held in February 2017,
  • To follow national and international congresses, symposiums, workshops, conferences and meetings related to Intelligent Transportation Systems and to participate in them as much as possible,
  • Working in joint projects with ITS Turkey members as Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University,
  • Increasing cooperation with international organizations such as UNECE, ERTICO, ITS Japan, ITS Korea, and ITS USA,
  • To open masters and doctoral programs in two priority programs related to Intelligent Transportation Systems at the Institute of Science,
  • Contributing to national ITS policies and targets by cooperating with ITS Turkey members in short-, medium- and long-term university-industry and public-private sector,
  • Ensuring the establishment of ITS architecture and necessary infrastructure in accordance with the integration systems of our district of Bandırma, which is located at the center of road, rail and sea transportation systems, with public, private and relevant sector stakeholders,
  • Organizing joint projects, workshops and congresses with AUS related departments, institutes and research centers at national and international universities,
  • To develop ITS solutions by establishing a Transportation Control Center laboratory, which is supported by local / central administrations and non-governmental organizations at our university, by making applied tests, research, academic studies and analyzes by faculty members, students,
  • To make human and environmentally friendly projects in the implementation of AUS applications.